Duplicate user options

Known fixes for duplicate user email entries reported by Cloud data import.

General approaches

Preferred outcome for duplicate user. However actually implementing one of these options is complicated depending on where the user references exist.




Internal and External user entries for same email

Remove internal user

hashim blah and hashim@blahl.com have same email.

probably came onto system via system import. 

Domain and external users with same email

Move data to Domain user

Internal users with same email attached

merge user entries

it.support@blah.com, noreply@blah2.com

Multiple functions with same email

create separate emails. Should be valid where automation owner and will receive fail notifications.

jira.support@blah.com used in automation account users


flagged as duplicate but can't be seen in user data.

search for emails, case insensitive



Find all duplicate users

Find all duplicates
select lower_email_address, count(lower_email_address), array_agg(user_name) as "Users with Dupe E-Mail" from cwd_user group by lower_email_address having count(lower_email_address) > 1;

Remove internal user duplicate.

Find user entries with the same email address. Email address is a unique key in the cloud.

Find duplicate user
SELECT id, directory_id, user_name, lower_user_name, active, created_date, updated_date, first_name, lower_first_name, last_name, lower_last_name, display_name, lower_display_name, email_address, lower_email_address, credential, deleted_externally, external_id FROM public.cwd_user where lower_email_address like '%upatel%'

for results as below

The directory_id with value equals 1 is the internal directory entry. 10700 is the Crowd entry.

Delete the internal user by record id
DELETE FROM public.cwd_user WHERE id = 11621;

You will need to re-export groups and users to cloud using then Atlassian Jira Migration Assistant.


User reference

User has made comments

Script option to change comment author but does not always work.

Old ticket and minor comment, consider deleting it.

User is reporter or assignee

Script option to change entries.


System users

Can they be merged to one user.

Or use separate email addresses

Multiple functions

merge or create separate emails 

Domain and external users with same email

this can be complicated by users history
